Establishing a User-Centric Design Process for Oasis Protocol


Oasis Protocol


12+ months


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UX Design · Design leadership · UI design · Product design
UX Design · Design leadership · UI design · Product design
Establishing a User-Centric Design Process for Oasis Protocol



In the thriving field of web3, a seamless user experience is paramount to the adoption and success of blockchain technologies. This case study outlines my journey as the Senior UX/UI Product Designer for Oasis Protocol, focusing on my role in setting up the product design department from scratch and driving significant improvements in user engagement and feedback processes.

Role & Responsibilities

As the foundational designer and the first full-time product designer at Oasis Protocol, I was tasked with:

  • Implementing a structured design process
  • Setting up comprehensive user feedback mechanisms
  • Leading internal and external product research sessions

My responsibilities included:

  • Designing and implementing the double diamond design process
  • Innovating and establishing a new design system
  • Organizing and conducting feedback sessions and user testing
  • Gathering and analyzing user data to inform design decisions



The Challenge: Building a Design Foundation from Scratch

When I joined Oasis Protocol, the company lacked a formalized design process, and user feedback mechanisms were sparse. My challenge was to establish a robust product design department, create an effective feedback loop, and foster a user-centric culture within the organization.

Upon joining, I conducted a series of discovery meetings with key stakeholders to understand the existing workflows, pain points, and expectations. It was clear that the lack of a formal design process, and insufficient internal and user feedback were major bottlenecks.

Making Waves: Implementating the new processes

To address these challenges, I introduced the double diamond design process. The implementation of the Double Diamond process at Oasis Protocol brought numerous benefits. It facilitated better communication and collaboration between the design and engineering teams, aligning goals and expectations effectively. The process encouraged the exploration of a wide range of ideas before narrowing down to the best solution, balancing creativity with focused problem-solving. Moreover, it provided a structured workflow that helped manage design projects efficiently and ensured that all critical aspects of design were addressed.

To introduce the Double Diamond process, I conducted workshops and training sessions to familiarize the entire company with this approach. Detailed documentation and visual aids were created to illustrate each stage. I integrated the latest design systems and tools to streamline workflows, developing a cohesive design system that was adopted by both the product and engineering teams. This resulted in improved communication and well-organized design artifacts. Additionally, collaborative solutions like Figma were set up to facilitate seamless collaboration between designers and engineers.

Furthermore, a comprehensive feedback loop was essential for enhancing product development. Internally, I conducted regular one-on-one interviews with team members to gather detailed feedback and understand their pain points and suggestions. Bi-weekly feedback sessions were organized where team members could discuss ongoing projects, share insights, and address any challenges. Regular user testing sessions were implemented to validate design decisions and gather real-time feedback. A dedicated Slack channel, and Github issue reports were created for continuous and accessible communication.

Externally, engaging with the community and ambassadors was crucial. I conducted recurring one-on-one interviews, distributed feedback forms, and conducted polls to gather valuable insights from the external community. User data was tracked anonymously to gain actionable insights into user behavior and preferences, helping to inform design decisions. These efforts led to a 350% increase in user feedback for the Block Explorer product over six months, providing invaluable insights that informed our design decisions.

Taking the Lead: Guiding Product Exploration and Research

Leading product exploration and research was a key aspect of my role. Internally, I led brainstorming sessions to explore new product features and enhancements, encouraging cross-functional collaboration to generate diverse ideas. Prototypes for proposed features were developed and tested to gather feedback and refine designs.

Externally, extensive user research was conducted to understand the needs and expectations of the target audience. This included surveys, interviews, and usability testing. Market trends and competitor products were analyzed to identify opportunities for innovation and differentiation. Collaboration with engineering teams was crucial to translating user needs and research findings into functional and technical requirements.





This project showcases my ability to establish and lead a user-centric design process in a rapidly evolving industry. By implementing the double diamond process, setting up a comprehensive feedback mechanism, and leading product research, I significantly enhanced the user experience and engagement for Oasis Protocol. This case study exemplifies my commitment to creating impactful, efficient, and user-friendly solutions in the dynamic world of web3.


Key Takeaways

The Double Diamond process provides a clear, structured approach that enhances creativity, collaboration, and focus. Establishing robust feedback loops is crucial for gathering valuable insights and making informed design decisions. Ongoing research and user engagement are essential for the continuous improvement of product features and overall user experience. By sharing this case study, I aim to highlight the critical role of structured design processes, comprehensive feedback mechanisms, and thorough research in developing user-centric products and fostering a collaborative, innovative work environment.






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